Engineers Comments

These are not quotes but rather notations of statements made during conversations with various Professionals:
1.   When talking to one of the chief engineers involved with the construction of our Bennett Bridge, this person said ... an elevated passageway is the only obviously correct solution to the Highway 97 problem on Harvey Avenue.
2.   From the construction company that erected the Bennett Bridge ... we have no problem with the continuation of Bennett Bridge to Gordon Drive. That type of construction is what we do.
3.   Also from the same construction company a prominent person stated that this solution is used all over the World and he spent many years supervising the erection of elevated highways.
4.   A meeting with three public engineers that are often employed by the Provincial Government concluded with this statement.  When asked by the host, a Provincial Politician, if there was any better alternative to elevating Highway 97 thru Kelowna, the answer was NO.  These people agreed that this was a correct solution but would take a lot of time and effort to convince City Councilors,  who are biased advisers to various highly educated professionals that are hired to do the wishes of City Councilors. 
PS: Why do I say biased? Well, in most cases, councilors seek election because of something personal they wish to promote. We can not do without councilors. Their time and effort is really appreciated. However, it is extremely difficult for most people to think what is best for the masses rather than what is a personal opinion. We are grateful for the "what is good for the masses" element that exists with some on Kelowna City Council
5.   This statement by Mr.Vos, an employee of our City Hall, is close to what was said to Mr.John Woodward. ' It is agreed by the Mayor's Task Force that this Concept of an elevated Xpressway meets the traffic needs of Highway 97 thru Kelowna for many years to come'  This statement became public when Mayor Walter Gray was in office.
6.  Another highly respected retired Roads engineer commented ... 'I would never have thought of putting the on-off ramps in the center of the elevated passageways.' 'This takes away the need of the extremely complicated and costly circle roads generally used to access elevated passageways.'