OCP Return Harvey

Presentation to City Council regarding Official Community Plan Review

Your Worship and Councilors:


We are speaking today, on behalf of the silent majority and our great, great, grandchildren.

50 plus years ago a personal political decision was made regarding Harvey Avenue that has proven to be a catastrophic example of making wrong choices. The results are becoming more difficult to handle as our beautiful City is experiencing growth, both in population and traffic.
Instead of placing the Okanagan Lake Bridge and Highway 97 through any other part of Kelowna, Harvey Avenue was stolen from our taxpayers control, and given to Victoria. This was a decision accepted by the then City Councilors. We have been suffering with this colossal mistake ever since.

Your Worship and Councilors.   TODAY.   Start the process of RETURNING HARVEY AVENUE TO THE CITIZENS OF KELOWNA. Include JOHN WOODWORTH’S HIGHWAY 97 XPRESSWAY in the OCP. UNAMINOUSLY  vote YES to the Concept and give instructions to your staff to proceed with requests and consultations with VICTORIA and then Ottawa. We would be delighted to work with Staff so that they would completely understand John’s vision of the Xpressway.

To the senior councilors I address these comments:
Your influence on our beautiful City is very obvious. In most cases we have appreciated your recommendations and decisions. Like the errection  of our outstanding arena. However, there are instances when we just can not agree with the stand you have taken. This decision on your part to say no to the implementation of John Woodworth’s Xpressway has been very disappointing to those of us who see his vision of a growing Kelowna.

 I know you are aware of the powerful, positive development contributions John has blessed Kelowna with. For instance this very practical and attractive City Hall. Another,   John’s single handed rescue of Brandt’s creek. You remember John’s advice that building structures on the Lake front that had been filled with lumber mill shavings was not a good idea? This man, and his chosen supporters, are professionals in character, engineering wisdom and understanding of what is correct and otherwise for the development of this City. They worked very wisely on our behalf.

Do you realize you are part of an extremely small minority of people who can not see the benefits of John’s Xpressway? Why would you continue in your misunderstanding of the absolutely positive attributes this elevation of Highway 97 and return of our precious Harvey Avenue,        gives to the Citizens of Kelowna?  Why not accept the majority preference of those of us who reside here AND, the future residents in the two new proposals slated for Kelowna. A RICHTER STREET WALK OVER IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!!

 Our progressive Community and the various developments along or near to Harvey Avenue,   need the necessary freedom of proper development that benefits our Kelowna Citizens.  We must not continue to be restricted by the incorrect political decisions made so many years ago. GET RID OF VICTORIA’S TRAFFIC CONTROL.

Timed traffic lights, HOV lanes and pedestrian walk overs will never solve the traffic problems the future holds FOR THE DECISIONS YOU ARE MAKING NOW.  

Instruct City Staff to initiate consultations with  Victoria and then Ottawa which have stated often that    WHEN KELOWNA ASKS      for assistance in this Concept, they would gladly co-operate.
There are members in your Staff,  and also some of their very knowledgeable Peers,    who recognize the value

of returning Harvey Avenue to the Citizens of Kelowna.
Thank you Your Worship