Traffic Noise

A concern by some is Elevated Traffic Noise.

The newest bridge built by Kelowna City Hall Staff is NOISLESS !
You are invited to go to the Mission Bridge on Gordon Drive ... near the Mission Aqua Recreation Center.

 Park your vehicle and walk under that new Bridge. The Staff are very proud of their accomplishment.
This same silencing would be applied to the Harvey Avenue Xpressway.

In fact, if you have not already done so, you need to walk the Gorgeous  Mission Creek Greenway.  There is some concern that our City Hall Staff are not capable of doing their task efficiently. The Greenway is so relaxing and pleasant. An example of good work.


  1. I have been under that Gordon Drive bridge over the Mission Creek many times. The traffic sound is very minimal. Go walk under the bridge and see for yourself.

  2. A raised roadway is a very expensive method to reduce traffic along a highway. The amount of concrete and steel used to do this huge. How about look at another method like Personal Rapid Transit which uses less concrete and is quick to assemble. Allowing Kelowna to seek what they are really looking for sooner rather then later.
    Personal Rapid Transit is electric and gets 400 mpg also can use solar power to make the system pay itself back faster then a raised roadway. Also this will help the people of kelowna get a aerial view of the city and will attract more tourists to Kelowna. The people will be able to move around the city faster and there will be less commuter traffic on the streets of kelowna in stop and go cars.

    1. Just how does this meet the needs of those who are looking for an efficient way of trucking through Kelowna DownTown? Also all the traffic that livs on the west side of the lake and work on the east side of the lake... or viseaversa ? Please reply to
